Monday, June 13, 2011

Works in progress for a glorious table cloth

It is only three hours every second Thursday we have together at the Deer Park Community Arts Centre.  But we make sure that we use every second stitching - but the great thing about this is we can still chat and laugh!

We are working towards finishing our individual panels for a collaborative table cloth for our glory box.  Techniques used include line drawing in journals then reworking them using running stitch on the fabric.

 The panel below has copied traditional patterns found on the Internet, available to down load for free.
 This one is using motifs from an old table cloth purchased from an op shop and worked into a new design.

 Inspired by the chopped up table cloth this work below is made up of new crocheted motifs, using a variety of colours.

1 comment:

Sam Marwood said...

can't wait to see the final product. will their be an exhibition? and will this be expanded to other communities?