Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Afternoon T-shirt embroidery

On Saturday at the last of our garage sale I had a couples of hours to myself in the backyard with the rest of my family having a late afternoon snooze. After using up all the thread for a top secret work I am making for my mum for mother's day I decided to start an embroidery on a t-shirt.

I have started a little plain t-shirt collection from op-shops or bargain shops for my kiddies to appliqué or embroidery. I started this a while back with my sewing machine eating the t-shirt you can see the results here

The design above was taken directly from Allison's the larks web site from her second day of posting embroidery patterns - Danish lines I couldn't resist!


Lark said...

Hey wow, it came out great! I'll have to have a go myself! Thanks for posting it!

Allison x

tjoyy said...

Hello there thank you for your inspiration!

nattyj said...

I love the little squirrel! A lovely idea Tam.