Thursday, April 17, 2008

online show at TROCADERO

I have a little solo show online at a Melbourne Artist Run Space called TROCADERO.

It are three drawing works that I love and I hope you enjoy too.

You can visit the works here

Please leave a comment on my blog if you visit - feedback and thoughts are so important for an artist and also independent art activities.

1 comment:

Fatty fat fat said...

Tam, i love the third picture as well, with the lady holding her child. It reminds me a lot of you. and then looking at the first picture, of the person with their head in the trees, it reminds me of you as well. Always exploring with your mind. You are off looking way above the trees, when we are still stuck on the ground looking at the forest. and then maybe the second picture is of you disseminating all the information that you gather while looking in trees and looking after your kids (not caring what's happening around you) and putting those ideas into beautiful pieces of art.