Saturday, February 14, 2009

Come on the Scene

Arrived back today from three lovely days in Warrnambool - very tired.

Working on the install and opening of a project I have been working on for YONKS, called Come on the Scene.

Most works fell into place - aside from a few IT hic ups.

The four hour treck to Warrnambool, from Bendigo, started with a tragic accident - hitting a kangaroo in my hire car - terrible and stressful - in beautiful golden morning sunlight.

Come on the Scene grew out of my producing with Next Wave and in collaboration with a bright man called Jeff Khan. And the five wonderful artists involved - who I hope I have the opportunity to work with again.

The drive for this show was making regional contemporary art present and known. Tired now of all the process - now to let it out there and await response.

I will post my essay for the catalogue and images in the coming days.

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