Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jumping Ship

Ummm - just took down my show from Craft Victoria - thank goodness that is OVER.

I really buried my head in the sand when it came to writing and doing anything about this show - I was ill - but perhaps I am jumping from the art ship.

Craft Victoria did do two posts about me and the show here and here.

And you can see the video piece of the work by the brilliant Dylan Fowler

This is my most recent embroidery - from a drawing by my wonderful son - it is the pirate ship I am jumping on board from the art ocean. ARRR ARRRRR

1 comment:

Christopher Miles said...

Hi Tam,
Very sorry we didn't get to the show. I know Nik was very keen to go.
Just wanted to let you know there's a problem with the URLs linking to the Craft Victoria page -- the http bit is duplicated.
PS The show looked great!