Thursday, August 21, 2008

Not just Frills

Today was my first official day in my new studio (pictures to be posted soon) - as well as yesterday my first day at my new job!!!

Loved the day in the studio - complete BLISS and JOY

Working mostly on frills thanks to the loving instructions of my good friend Ellen Coyle.

These frills are to finish off my quilts for A Little Lady Like Tinkling and Smearing show coming up at Craft Victoria.

Very happy with how they have turned out.


mariannealice said...

Glad that the first day went well.
A big thank you for the lovely surprise mail that turned up yesterday - perfect timing as it was a wonderful distraction in an otherwise crazy day!The pouch is perfect for my new diary/sketchbook (as soon as I can convince Charlotte that it isn't for her ponies to sleep in!)We loved the card as well - Rose was very inspired by the fabric collage. I think we'll see a few little birds around here this weekend.Thank you!

Fatty fat fat said...

yeah i heard about this new art place of yours tam, sounds brilliant. Hope it brings as many creative ideas as it does space to think.