Monday, June 02, 2008

finding the words to sum up my quilt making

Stumbled across Californian artist Anne Von Mertens today, through a review of By Hand: The Use of Craft in Contemporary Art from The Journal of Modern Craft , Volume 1, Number 1, March 2008 , pp. 161-163(3)

Her artist statement from her web site:

I use the stitch as a marker of time, to consider our oblique relationship to the past, present, and future, and ways to forge a relationship with this shifting terrain. I use the stitch as an orientation marker, a way of siting where one has been and where one is going.

- that is my stitch EXACTLY in my English piercing work

1 comment:

Ellen Coyle said...

We're blog twinsies! I'm so glad I've found somewhere to dump my frustration over various aspects of my life. as many bloggers past and present have I'm sure. Yay!

P.S. I really like your stitching/loose drawing technique. Very cool