Friday, November 30, 2007

They Sold before the opening!

Got a phone call late this afternoon and both pieces I was fretting over last night have sold right before the opening how is that!

I am feeling full of confidence as I made them deliberately as a test to see if they would sell and they did as soon as they went up - I was concerned that my work wasnt connecting to people and sure enough it is - but would I really pack it all in if it was a flop?

Hell NO!

Here is a little snippet of a work that I am making as apart of a crafty blog exchange thing. It has been initiated by an amazing woman called Meg McElwee and from her blog

Our instructions are:

To your partner, you will send:

1.) One handmade holiday decoration. Decorations made from any kind of medium are acceptable – from fabric to yarn, paper to paint.

2.) Your favorite holiday recipe.

3.) A "Tradition" Tutorial. This is description of one of your family's special holiday traditions. If needed, you should provide step by step instructions. (For example, if your family makes graham cracker candy houses each year, you would provide more concrete instructions.) You might also consider sending along a couple of photos of the tradition in action.

My partner is Stacey and she has a blog too.

This week the last week of spring and just before the first week of December I have finally started making my Christmas cards.

Here is a sneak preview

got a bird theme happening - this year.


nattyj said...

Tam, that is great news about your work selling so quickly! I loved the leaf's, how clever you are. Will the work still be up when we are in town? would love to have a look.

Lots of love, Nat

tjoyy said...

hey natties
sorry for taking so long to comment back; the show is until the 16th. The the gallery closes forever!

Maybe you could put in a special birthday order!